Halls, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Committee Achievements throughout the last 5 years

On 17 January 2022 Barry Town Council’s Halls, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Committee considered a report of the achievements and improvements which have been undertaken by the Town Council to improve the facilities and services for the residents of Barry in the past 5 years.

From May- Dec 2017 a total of 7 new projects where achieved, including the introduction of a Sanctum Panorama Columbarium and new Information boards at Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery.

Jan-Dec 2018 a further 15 projects were looked at, agreed on and put in place, including a Scatter Garden at the Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery together with The Greenflag Award. The cemetery also extended opening hours to 7pm through the lighter months, whilst the Pioneer Hall received a new roof and two parties per day at weekends were introduced in order to support growing demand.

Jan-Dec 2019 saw the introduction of Bee Hives at the Cemetery, the start of a replacement bench programme, tree surveys, and new lights.
Wi-Fi was installed at the Pioneer Hall, as well as a further 6 other projects agreed and completed, totalling 11.

Jan-Dec 2020 was the year in which we all experienced Covid but this did not stop a further 20 new improvements from happening, including the continuation of road repairs, the replacement of fencing along St Teilo’s Avenue and a butterfly garden being introduced.
These were just some of this years completed projects.

Jan-Dec 2021 and an incredible 33 new projects and achievements were completed this year!
The Heritage Award was obtained for the first time and a Silver Charter Award for the bereaved was also achieved.
A further 220 feet of fencing was replaced, Heritage information boards were placed around Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery and outside the Philadelphia Cemetery and an enhanced service is now on offer for families as well as The Cemetery Approach Community Centre finally opened, just to name a few of this year’s achievements.

Jan-May 2022 to date and at the time this goes to press, a further 8 items have been discussed and agreed, including repairs to the Cemetery Chapel and further information Heritage Boards for Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery.

*A full list can be found on our website under the agenda of the Halls, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Committee meeting