Cadstock is back on, thanks to Barry Town Council!

Cadstock is back on, thanks to Barry Town Council!


The big FREE family music weekend event “Cadstock” has been saved for 2023, with Barry Town Council offering over £10,000 of funding to enable the event to continue.


Cllr Bronwen Brooks, Barry Town Council Leader stated:
‘I am delighted that we are able to support Cadstock financially for 2023 to support this free, family event in Barry. I also look forward to working with the events committee to help develop a sustainable way forward and ensure the viability of the event for the future. I’d like to give a huge thank you to the outpouring of support from residents for this much loved event and a note of thanks also go to the Vale of Glamorgan Council for their valuable in-kind support to ensure we can deliver Cadstock 2023. Hope to see you all there, bring on the sunshine!”


Cadstock launched in 2009, growing bigger and better each year for an entire decade. The event was put on pause during Covid and returned once more in 2022. The 2023 event was cancelled in April, due to funding cuts.
Organisers Jon, Martin, Sue, Karl and Andy wrote on Facebook: “We’re really feeling the love here from you and the whole town this week after the announcement of cancelling Cadstock 2023. “We have discussed charging entry many times too – but that brings its own extra costs and problems, plus it will exclude some people and families especially, and it’s just not the Cadstock vibe that we always wanted it to be – Free and Open to all.”


Following on from the announcement, Cadstock organisers and Barry Town Council collaborated to explore costs, budgets and funding options. After thorough discussions between Barry Town Council Chief Officer and 3 Group Leaders, a decision was made to offer financial assistance to support the 2023 Cadstock event. For future years, a more sustainable approach will need to be found and the Town Council wants to work with the group further.


Previous years had seen the event funded from the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s events budget, but budgets this year couldn’t incorporate it. Despite the funding cuts, the event is still hugely supported by the Vale of Glamorgan Council with the Tourism and Parks Departments playing roles in the logistics, the park and viability of the event.


Cllr Mark Wilson, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, said:
“A big thanks is due to Barry Town Council for their financial contribution which secures the Cadstock festival for another year. The festival organisers have been phenomenal in their efforts to follow all possible links to secure the funding they need. Our staff have supported the organisers throughout. For the festival to be back on a week after it looked as though it was an impossibility shows just what can be achieved when communities pull together. As promised, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Neighbourhood Services team will be giving free use of the park and providing in-kind support, such as staffing and waste collection, across the weekend worth the equivalent of £4000. We are absolutely delighted to be able to help bring Cadstock back from the brink and into Victoria Park for another year.”


With the event reaching the funding goal and alongside sponsorship from Barry Town Council, Cadstock organisers can now start preparing, booking and celebrating the 12th year of Cadstock.


For updates and information on the event, visit their social media pages.