Barry Town Council’s Family Fun Day 2023

Barry Town Council’s Family Fun Day

When: Thursday 24 August 2023
Times: 10am – 3pm
Where: Central Park and King Square, Barry. CF63 4RW

What to expect:

FREE Activities:-

  1. Soft Archery from Tir-y-Mor Scouts | Basketball Court Area of Central Park
  2. Face Painting | King Square and Central Park
  3. Bro Radio “Have-a-go” Broadcasting | Central Park
  4. Barry Town Council’s Spin the Wheel Game | Central Park
  5. Barry Town Council’s Fairtrade Penalty Shootout | Central Park
  6. Water refill station | Library Gardens, entrance via Central Park
  7. Dr Bob’s Balloons balloon animals | Central Park
  8. Dinosaurs from Dino2Hire | Central Park
  9. Tiny Toes Ballet dance workshops | Central Park
  10. Stage with live music from 10:45am – 2:45pm | Central Park
  11. Fire Engine | King Square
  12. Menter Bro Morgannwg Welsh activities | Central Park
  13. Reptile World | Central Park
  14. Fossil Workshop | Central Park
  15. South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner | Central Park
  16. St John’s Ambulance | Central Park
  17. Future of Wales, Welsh Assembly Government | Basketball Courts Area, Central Park
  18. National Rabbit Council | Basketball Courts Area, Central Park


PAID Activities:-

  1. Slime Workshop | Library Gardens via Central Park | £4 per person
  2. Bath Bomb Workshop | Central Park | £4 per person
  3. Gaming Van Sessions | King Square | £2 per person
  4. Fun Fair Rides | King Square | Price TBC
  5. Pick and Mix Sweets | Central Park
  6. Artisan Cook Pizza Van | King Square
  7. Barry Round Table BBQ | Central Park
  8. NumNums Cake/Treats | Central Park
  9. Fox and Cub Clothing | Central Park
  10. Tiny Toes Craft Stall | Central Park | £2 per person
  11. Handmade by Ffi Jewellery | Central Park
  12. Made to Love Accessories | Central Park
  13. Cox’s Crochet Co | Central Park
  14. Popcorn Making by Tir-y-Mor Scouts | Basketball Courts Area, Central Park | £1 per person
  15. Ice Cream Van | Central Park
  16. Caesar’s wraps and baguettes | Central Park

Event Map Below:-


    1. Do you accept cash and card?
      Some traders will accept both cash and card. In the event that the activity/trader only accepts cash, please visit a local cash point. There are a number of cash points just outside the event site, situated on Holton Road.


    1. Are dogs allowed?
      Dogs are NOT allowed into Central Park. Please leave your fur-friends at home for this event.


    1. Are there FREE activities?
      There are a number of FREE activities at the event. For the full list, please read the page above.


    1. Is the event wheelchair accessible?
      The event is wheelchair friendly, with the site being on a natural flat area of land. Some activities may require steps (funfair rides, gaming van, etc..) however.


    1. Where can I park?
      There are a few local car parks, close to the event site.
      a) Wyndham Street Car Park – Pay and Display
      b) Court Road Multi Story Car Park – FREE
      c) Thompson Street Car Park – FREE


    1. Is the event FREE?
      The event is FREE to attend with no entrance fee and NO TICKETS required.


    1. Will there be food?
      There will be a number of food traders in Central Park and King Square. Barry Town Centre also hosts a few lovely cafes that you can visit.


    1. Will there be drinks available?
      There will be a FREE water refill station available at the event, located in the Library Gardens which can be accessed via Central Park. There are no stand-alone drinks traders at the event although some food traders may have cold drinks available.
      Please venture into our town centre to purchase drinks from local cafes and shops. #shoplocal


    1. What are the opening times?
      The event opens at 10am and finishes at 3pm


    1. When and where is the entertainment?
      The stage is located in Central Park and has 5 musical acts on across the day.
      10:45am – 11:15am Adam Peter
      11:30am – 12pm Barry Community Choir
      12:15pm – 12:45pm Aggi Evans
      1pm – 1:30pm Act Happy
      1:45pm – 2:45pm Nia TylerThe Dinosaurs will be located in Central Park and will be roaming across the event site through-out the day. There will also be a FREE fossil workshop located on the right-hand side of Central Park, where the main dinosaur enclosure is located.


  1. What toilet facilities are available?
    Toilets are located on the outside/main entrance of the library.