Stall Holder Entry Terms and Conditions

By signing and submitting the Stall Application Form you agree to these terms and conditions and any subsequent updates.

1. The organisers reserve the right to update these terms and conditions when necessary. Any updates will be communicated to you through email, and it is the responsibility of all stallholders to ensure that Barry Town Council has an up to date email address for you and to ensure that you check your emails regularly.

2. Pitch location is allocated in advance by Barry Town Council (The Organiser). The Organiser reserves the right to reallocate stalls, if essential for operational reasons.

3. Traders must keep within the confines of their pitch and must not move any items near their pitch without the express permission of the Event Organiser.

4. No vehicular movement will be permitted on site during carnival trading hours (with the exception of essential production and emergency traffic).

6. Stall holders must remain at their pitch and active for the duration of the event.

8. Subletting any part of the stall is not permitted.

9. Stall holders will only be allowed to sell what is on their application form. Any changes/ additions need to be agreed by The Organiser before the event.

10. The Organiser cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to stall holders’ goods or equipment that may occur during the carnival.

11. All vehicles that are brought onto site are done at the owner’s risk and must be suitably insured. No vehicles are permitted on site during the event itself.

12. Stalls must be set up no later than 11:00am on the day of the event.  

15. Trading finishes at the stated time in all communication emails, unless otherwise instructed by The Organiser on the day.

17. Stewards will be onsite to manage traffic on and offsite safely. All stallholders must follow instructions given by the stewards.

18. Disposal of materials such as waste cooking oil, hot barbecue coals and unsold food etc. must be carried out in a manner which does not cause damage to any part of the event site including drain points, refuse points or road surfaces. Damage caused to the highway, road surface, street furniture or drains through incorrect siting of equipment will be the responsibility of the trader and any remedial works and their associated costs will be charged to the trader.

19. The Organiser is able to provide power to stall holders by prior arrangement. It is the responsibility of stall holders to state the power they will need on their application form and inform Barry Town Council if the need changes. Changes to this will be accommodated as far as possible.

20. Traders may not provide their own generators or power supply without written permission from the Organiser. You must provide your own cables to take power from the generator connectors.

21. All electrical equipment on site must have been tested and have a current safety certificate (e.g. PAT Certificate).

22. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse access to power if your equipment or cables are not fit for use.

23. No animals to be allowed on site at any time, with the exception of guide dogs.

24. No music to be played without prior agreement with The Organiser.

Payment Terms

1. Once application is approved, full payment is required before the event date.

2. Any requests for cancellation of stall bookings must be received in writing. If notice of cancellation is received within 1 month of the event, no refund shall be given.

3. Failure to attend the event will result in the full cost being incurred. No refund shall be given.


Health and Safety

1. Traders must comply with all current Health, Safety and Hygiene requirements.

2. Traders are not permitted to start trading until they have been given the go ahead by the Event Safety Officer, following a health and safety inspection.

3. Emergency access routes will be established into the main site and must be kept clear of traffic and obstacles at all times. These routes will be clearly communicated to stall holders.

4. All traders will be required to provide the following paperwork alongside their stall holder application form: • Certificate of Employer and Public Liability / Product Liability Insurance. Likewise, traders are responsible for ensuring contractors delivering to, or working at, their stall is insured. • Risk Assessment • Health and Safety Policy document (required if you employ five or more people)

5. Food traders are also required to provide the following, to be received with their application form: • Basic food hygiene and safety certificates.  • All gas appliances require a Portable Gas appliance certificate issued within the last 12 months by a competent approved contractor. • PAT Certificates for any electrical equipment to be brought on site.

6. Fire Safety • No open fires are allowed on site. • Ensure that there are adequate exit points from your stall in the event of a fire. You must provide appropriate safety equipment (fire blankets, H2O and CO2 fire extinguishers) – to the satisfaction of the Event Safety Officer, all tested within the last 12 months. 

7. Traders are only allowed to bring one spare container of bottled gas (LPG) on site and this shall be of a fixed type installation stored outside any stall or vehicle, and be positively secured in an upright position. All gas containers used must be kept outside any structure and secured to stakes or other to ensure it cannot fall over.

8. Traders are required to keep both the area in front of their stalls as well as the back of their market space tidy and free of rubbish.

9. Liability disclaimer: Barry Town Council, their servants or agents will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage however caused, that may occur to any trader, his/her servants or agents, or his/her property brought onto the carnival site, or whilst entering or leaving the site. Please ensure all stallholders and helpers are vigilant.  Barry Town Council is not responsible for the effects on the level of trade caused by weather or any other unforeseen circumstances.

10. Breaking the terms of these conditions stated above, will result in permanent dismissal from future events and possibly further action against the you, the stallholder, should this be deemed necessary.