Memorial Headstone Safety – 1 August 2022

Barry Town Council, in accordance with health and safety legislation, is undertaking an ongoing inspection programme to check the condition of memorial headstones within its cemeteries.  Any found to be unsafe and likely to cause serious injury may be laid flat or “lowered down” into the excavated area at the head of the grave in front of the memorial base (this will enable some or all of the inscription to remain visible).

Alternatively, the memorial may be “staked and banded” by the Council Memorial Inspector.  The stakes and bands are attached to the memorials to ensure that the danger of the memorial in question falling and cause damage or harm to staff and visitors to the cemetery is reduced.  As this is part of a programme introduced by government legislation it is an offence for the bands to be removed by any one other than the Memorial Inspector or a Memorial Mason engaged to carry out repairs to the said memorial on behalf of the family.

A memorial is the responsibility of the grave owner. Any memorials erected since November 2005 shouldn’t be unsafe but contact the mason that provided the headstone to see if they provide any guarantee and it would be the mason responsibility to rectify the headstone. The programme has been devised to ensure that the memorials that pose the greatest risk are dealt with first.

If you have any concerns about the testing or want information about how to make your memorial safe please contact the Cemetery Office during normal working hours on 01446 738663, email or write to:

Barry Town Council, Town Hall, Kings Square, Barry, CF63 4RW

Please find below a list of memorials that have been inspected in the most recent round of inspections In Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery.  Should you be a relative or know someone related to those interred in any of the following graves please contact us on the above telephone number or at the address given:


R604 John R697/8 Cooper R686 Evans R757 Ace R920 Holt
R1017 Falconer Y38 Hughes Y20A Rogers Q141 Davies