The Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor of Barry for the 2024/25 municipal year is Councillor Dennis Clarke. The Deputy Mayor will support the Mayor throughout the year by representing the Council when the Mayor is unavailable or has another engagement.

If the Mayor is not present at Full Council meeting, the Deputy Mayor shall preside.

In effect, the Deputy Mayor has no standing as Deputy Mayor when the Mayor is present but assumes the precedence and standing of the Mayor when they are deputising for the Mayor rather than acting as Deputy.

Invitations to the Deputy Mayor should be dealt with as follows:

Invitations to functions should not be sent to (or solicited by) the Deputy Mayor.  The Deputy Mayor should not normally attend functions in their own right, except when deputising for the Mayor.

All invitations should be sent for consideration by the Mayor as First Citizen and, if the Mayor cannot attend, it may be appropriate to ‘pass down’ an invitation firstly to the Deputy Mayor, then the previous Mayor and then another Councillor chosen by the Mayor if attendance by others cannot be secured.

On the rare occasion when the Deputy Mayor is invited to a function in their own right, there should be a clear procedure whereby the invitation is shown formally by the Engagement & Events Administrator to the Mayor, in order that there is no misunderstanding.